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Q: What are the requirements for the authorization of trucking companies in our terminal?

Insurance Policies: Original Certified Copy of a Truckers Policy in which Intership is endorsed. Coverage should be $500,000 Hired & Non-owned Auto Liability, Covered Auto; Trailer Interchange coverage;


Trailer Interchange clause: 


"It is hereby understood and agreed that any container, trailer, moving or related equipment non-owned by the insured, while under the care, custody and control of the insured as a result of its use, operation maintenance or possession by the insured under any circumstance, situation or location is covered by this policy if causing bodily injury or property damage whether or not connected or attached to a truck, motor vehicle or equipment property of the assured, up to the limit of liability provided by this policy. The additional insured are likewise covered hereunder."

Trailer Interchange coverage:

Each Refrigerated Van: $ 35,000.00
Each Tank: $ 35,000.00
Each Non-refrigerated Van: $ 20,000.00
Chassis: $ 15,000.00
Gen Set: $ 15,000.00

  • Original certified copy of a Commercial Inland Marine Policy with an endorsement covering Intership.

  • Coverage: $100,000.00, All Risk Transportation.

  • 15 Day Cancellation Clause on both policies

  • *Companies moving their own cargo may utilize a “Business Auto Policy”

  • If hauling dangerous/hazardous cargo, limits must be no less than $1,000,000.00 (Amount depends upon cargo classification)

  • These Puerto Rican government entities must appear on the Truckers Policy as additional insured:

  • Puerto Rico Port Authority / Compania de Comercio y Exportacion de PR.

  • Original letter from the insurance company certifying that both policies have been paid, either in full or through financing.

  • Copy of each truck’s license that is covered on policies.

  • Copy of inspection performed by the Puerto Rico Public Service Commission for each truck.

  • Copy of Certification/License from the Puerto Rico Public Service Commission for each truck (TCG)

  • License from the Puerto Rico Public Service Commission for each truck (TCG)

  • Letters from customers certifying the trucking company as their trucker

  • Current Workmen’s Compensation Insurance (by semester)

  • Current Social Security Insurance Program for chauffeurs (trimester)

  • Sign Intership’s Access to Terminals and/or Equipment Interchange Agreement

  • Affix Bar Code Sticker to each truck

Q: What documents are required for cargo claim purposes?


  • Copy of bill of lading (front/back)

  • Claim letter explaining damage/loss and amount claimed (itemized)

  • Cart Check (delivery receipt)

  • Commercial Invoice

  • Photos of damages

  • Packing List

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